(as of 05/10/2022)

What was this?
Basically it was an animated series that started as a trailer released to YouTube on 23/07/2021. The plot is about these 2 year 10 students in a semi-popular town called "Half Valley." Charlotte the popular but nice girl was paired with Caledeca the quiet but smart girl that nobody really talks about, to work on a history project. Charlotte didn't know that Caledeca was working on a time machiene and stuff happens and Charlotte ended up in 2031 and Caledeca ended up in 2001. They eventually found eachother in the glitched dimension where they found the insanity 4th wall breaking wreck that is Scarlet spelt with 1 t.

My problems with it:
- First off, the plot was kinda' boring. The whole point of time travel stories is that they're going across centuries and explore different worlds that kind of stuff. Sure it was original, but that doesn't mean it's good.- The character writing was a bit bland. Character's writing was decent, but not good enough for my current standards. Scarlet suffered the worst: she doesn't act like a traumatized child trying her hardest to grip on to reality and what's left of her insanity after being stuck in isolation for so many years and learning it's all just some pointless show that's only supposed to run for 6 episodes. Like in some points she wants it to go on and others she forcefully wants it to end? It doesn't make sense to me.
Another character was Zachduze who's supposed to be a selfless pushover who's innocent to the world but only puts up that act to deal with his trauma. Even chopping his arm off at one point to get people to stop worrying about him but just made it worse. It's okay? I guess. But could be better. So much wasted potential here.- Censorship. Swearing kept to a minimum and no fuck or shit. When I was younger I didn't like writing in swears but now it seems natural to write an angry character yelling out swears. Also some of the backstories had to be altered to be more light hearted like Scarlet was rescued 3 hours after getting trapped in the glitched dimension so she wouldn't starve to death there. But she gets teleported back every couple hours or so, but still: if it was written nowadays she sure would be suicidal and would have probably hung herself by now.- Character design. Sooooo bland! This was in a period where I was still learning how to draw guy characters and it shows. The designs are adequate but don't seem to fit in well imo. Also the main 3 girls are so bland looking, even for school. I redesigned them in my notebook at one point but Charlotte is a lost cause.- Music. Shit. Could redo the entire soundtrack but there's like 24 songs there and music takes a while. I had no clue of MIDI or music theory or anything then. I just opened soundtrap, inserted an instrument and smacked my laptop keyboard. If you listen to them they sound like I was making the melody up as I go along. Because I was. The only good one is Not what you think.
Animation takes so long and drains me with motivation. The second episode: "To Confuse" took me about 2 months and nobody liked it. In fact I moved it from YouTube to Newgrounds hoping people would like it more there (sorta.) As it went along I started to like it less as I wasn't really focusing on my mental health and it wasn't like Roboska where working on it was therapeutic, it was more of a distraction. I didn't like it as much which sucked as I spent a whole year writing it and planned for 24 episodes. It was clear my mental health was going down in the writing process as it was getting darker and darker but I refused to keep it that way.
So what's the future?
I may pick it back up with some tweeks and alterations as a horror game as that's my new passion. I'll scale it down and focus less on the future and more on the present. But that may never happen. I'll eventually write the entire plot in a blog post so if anybody want's to pick it back up they can idc. I do owe a lot to this project tho, as it got me into the Sci-Fi genre and helped me inprove my writing skills.

Charlotte Avianda
- nice and kind
- maybe a little too nice and kind
- popular
- yea that's about it
Caledeca Ostance
- nerd
- really smart but doesn't show it (for some reason)
- always looking at her tablet
- hates people
- from Yorkshire
Scarlet Nightfall
- can glitch stuff
- probably has ADHD or something
- fully aware that this is a show
- very illogical
- a bit inmature
- screws around and never thinks of consequences
the others
Miss Antartica